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Events of the German EU-Council Presidency


Source: Guillaume Perigois / Unsplash

08 December 2020: EU Council of Transport Ministers
Infografik zur Themenwoche

Source: BMDV

25 November 2020: “PrioritHy: How hydrogen and sectoral integration can bring recovery, growth and jobs to Europe” – Joint FCHJU and NOW Conference in cooperation with the German EU Council Presidency
Schifffahrt auf einer Wasserstraße

Source: Mathias Weil / Adobe Stock

20 November 2020: Ministral Conference: Inland Water Transport - Key to the Green Deal
Smart Mobility

Source: metamormworks / Adobe Stock

17 November 2020: "Open Data for Smart Mobility in Europe" conference

Source: Wolfgang Zwanzger / Adobe Stock

29 October 2020: Virtual Informal Meeting of EU Transport Ministers "Harnessing the digital revolution to make the mobility of the future sustainable, safe, secure and efficient"

Source: Adobe Stock /

08 October 2020: Virtual EU Transport Ministers Conference
Eine Regionalbahn durchfährt einen Bahnhof. Am linken Bildrand ist ein leerer Bahnsteig zu sehen. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Zug selbst. Der Rest des Bildes ist unscharf und deutet dadurch die Geschwindigkeit der Regionalbahn an.

Source: den-belitsky / Adobe Stock

21 September 2020: EU Rail Summit "Innovative Rail Transport – connecting, sustainable, digital"
Aufnahme des Hamburger Hafens

Source: BMDV

08 September 2020: "Greening Shipping" conference 2020
Ladevorrichtung für ein Elektroauto

Source: Adobe Stock / Monkey Business

03 September 2020: Expert conference on infrastructure for electric road transport entitled “Turning the page: the next chapter for electric road transport”

Source: BMDV

01 September 2020: Meeting of Directors responsible for telecommunications in the EU Member States
Ein Flugzeugflügel über einem Rapsfeld

Source: Adobe Stock / jrmedien_de

23 July 2020: Aviation Summit 2020

Source: BMDV

09 July 2020: EU Council Presidency: European Bridge Forum kicks off a series of specialist conferences
Deutsche und europäische Flagge

Source: Fotolia / jarma

23 June 2020: Joint Statement for the Trio Presidency was signed

Outcomes of the German EU Council Presidency

Review of the German EU Council Presidency of 30.12.2020

Letter following up on the Council of Transport Ministers on 08.12.2020

Presidency letter following the Conferences of EU Transport ministers entitled "Triggering Greening and International Competitiveness of Shipping and Ports" and "Inland Waterway Transport - Key to the Green Deal" on 8 September and 20 November 2020 respectively

Report on the network conference "Open Data for Smart Mobility in Europe" on 17.11.2020

Passau Declaration of 29.10.2020

Presidency letter to the virtual EU Transport-Ministers on 08.10.2020

Policy considerations for a pandemic or other major crisis contingency plan for European freight transport on 28.09.2020

Berlin Declaration and TEE strategy on the occasion of the Ministerial Conference on Rail Transport on 21.09.2020

Presidency letter following the Conference on refuelling and charging infrastructure for electric road transport on 03.09.2020

Press release following the Meeting of the Telecommunications Directors-General on 1 September 2020

Presidency Letter following the Aviation Summit on 23.07.2020

Report on the Bridge Forum on 9.07.2020

Third Party Events

MASS-Summit on 30 November 2020

ETSC (European Transport Safety Council) on 19 November 2020

Digital Transport Day 2020 on 18 November 2020

ECAC-EU Dialogue on 4 November 2020

CITA web conference on "New vehicle safety features from 2022 and successful implementation of turn assist systems" on 3 November 2020

Re the Corona pandemic:

Europe is to emerge from the crisis strengthened:

  • On the initiative of the Ministry, the European Union adopted Council Conclusions on uniform recommendations for cross-border passenger transport in the European Union.
  • We further need reliable supply chains and, to this end, we intend to develop a European pandemic contingency plan for freight transport to ensure cross-border freight transport during a pandemic.
  • We need high-capacity and modern corridors in Europe – and thus rapid and satisfactory agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework (which covers the next six years).

Re the New Mobility Approach:

With the “New Mobility Approach”, we intend to progress modern mobility at EU level. The New Mobility Approach is to provide a climate-friendly and socially fair framework for sustainable mobility and a future-proof European transport sector. To this end, we intend to pursue a single approach comprising thee pillars: climate change mitigation, mobility and digital transformation.

  • Climate-friendly mobility: We intend to gear mobility systematically to climate- and environment-friendly technologies. For this to happen, we need the Europe-wide development of alternative fuels infrastructure that meets the needs is a major building block for the decarbonisation of transport. We are therefore prioritising the use of renewable fuels and the roll-out of alternative fuels infrastructure in the New Mobility Approach. Innovations and smart solutions: With targeted funding of research and innovations, we want to progress a modern mobility in Europe. The transport sector must evolve in particular in the area of key technologies such as automation, digital transformation and artificial intelligence.
  • Exchange of data: We want to enhance the efficiency of the existing infrastructure with the help of digital solutions and improve the connectivity of the data available in the individual member states.