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Zielke in Bangkok

Source: Kirsten Redelfs – GIZ

At the 4th Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) Preparatory Group in Bangkok for the International Telecommunication Union’s (ITU) Plenipotentiary Conference 2022 the participants discussed connectivity, interoperability and the future tasks of the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB) in upcoming technologies. Thomas Zielke and his team exchanged views with delegations from India, China, Rep. of Korea, Thailand, Mongolia, Australia, Nepal, Vietnam and many more. More than 140 delegates were present, which indicates the importance of telecommunication standardization and of the ITU in general in Asia, Australia and the Pacific.

Mr Zielke gave special thanks the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity for organizing the event and the Office of the National Broadcasting Telecommunications Commission (NBTC) as well as the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society (MDES) for being such graceful hosts.

Within a special session for all candidates for Secretary General (2 candidates), Deputy SG (3 candidates) and Directors (ITU-Radio Communication Sector 1 candidate, ITU-Development Sector 6 candidates, ITU-Telecommunication Standardization Bureau 3 candidates), he presented his vision, eagerness and strong intent to address common challenges as a team-worker and leader.

Mr Zielke and his team hosted a reception to round up the presentation and show their commitment and respect to the host, the ITU institution and the hard work of delegates and HoDs. It is now roughly eight weeks to go until the Plenipotentiary Conference in Romania and the elections. Together with his team, he is preparing the next major event in Geneva as well as the Plenipot in Bukarest.

Zielke in Bangkok

Source: Kirsten Redelfs – GIZ