Short- & medium-term measures:
- We need measures that have a rapid effect in the crisis and we need long-term measures so that air transport emerges from crisis even stronger than before.
- We need to discuss the social issues of the aviation industry intensively. The pandemic has shown more than clearly that we will have to address the issues relating to labour and social standards in air transport.
- The aviation industry directly depends on successful health policy strategies, and the passengers' trust also depends on this.
Longer-term measures:
EU regulation on slots
One of our concerns in the resumption of air traffic is how we can guarantee the existing services while preventing unnecessary empty flights. With the early extension, we are creating planning certainty for the airlines with regard to the winter flight schedule and we are guaranteeing the good flight connections in Europe.
Single European Sky
The reform of the Single European Sky is an essential building block for achieving the climate targets in the context of the Green Deal. We must draw on the lessons learned from the corona crisis and modernise the Single European Sky. To do so, we need to reorganise air navigation services across borders. The European Commission must now quickly submit a legislative proposal that can be discussed in September.
Innovation & climate change mitigation
It is only through innovations that we can guarantee the competitiveness of the European aviation industry and, at the same time, make progress with regard to climate change mitigation.
We want to focus on innovative, climate-friendly approaches.
We want to integrate CORSIA in the EU and launch initiatives for the market ramp-up of sustainable alternative fuels.
The crisis-related suspension and postponement of aircraft deliveries and acceptances jeopardises the planned renewal of fleets and harms climate change and noise mitigation efforts. We will therefore lobby to promote programmes at European level for the transport sector in general and for fleet renewal in particular.
Air transport needs to be conceived from a new perspective: We have to take climate friendliness as the starting point of our endeavours and as a stimulus for industrial innovations in Europe. There is enormous potential for innovation, for example in the field of sustainable alternative fuels and modern as well as more efficient aircraft.
Where do we go from here?
We will combine the results with debates on the future issues of mobility to form the New Mobility Approach and, in this way, establish priorities for the Strategy for Sustainable and Smart Mobility announced by the European Commission.