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G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto, im Vordergrund Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing und seine japanische Kollegin Karen Makishima

Source: BMDV

Update: May 13th 2022:

Make digitalization sustainable from the very beginning!Make digitalization sustainable from the very beginning!

What did the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting achieve?
In addition to the decisions on enhancing cybersecurity, the G7 countries declared their commitment for making the digital transformation sustainable. See more in the video with Federal Minister Volker Wissing.

Update: May 12th 2022, 15 hrs:

The aggressive war against Ukraine is also a war on the internet

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine also preoccupied us at the G7 meeting. Notably, because this war is also being waged online, not just on the ground in Ukraine. As digital ministers we have reacted with a declaration on cyber resilience – the resilience to online attacks. We had an intensive exchange of ideas with our colleague who joined us virtually from Kyiv. We agreed to continue supporting Ukraine. Minister Mykhailo Fedorov notified me on short notice of Ukraine’s request for IT equipment. In future, the focus is also going to be on rebuilding Ukraine’s digital infrastructure.

Updated on 11 May 2022, 17:00 hrs:

This was the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting!

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing considers it a success:

The close exchange of information and experience we had was extremely important. As governments, we have agreed on how to make the best use of digital transformation and new technologies for the benefit of our citizens.

Among other things, we discussed digitalization and sustainability, free flow of data, eSafety, competition, standardization and the digitization of trade documents.

Update: May 11th 2022, 13 hrs:

MINISTERIAL DECLARATION – G7 Digital Ministers' meeting

G7 Digital Ministers' Track – Annex 1: G7 Action Plan for Promoting Data Free Flow with Trust

G7 Digital Ministers' Track – Annex 2: Principles for domestic legal frameworks to promote the use of electronic transferable records

Update: May 11th 2022, 12.30 hrs

Final Press Conference of the G7 Digital Ministers’ Meeting

EN DIRECT : Conférence de presse à l’issue de la réunion des ministres du Numérique du G7
Suivez en direct la conférence de presse à l’issue de la réunion des ministres du Numérique du G7 à Düsseldorf – avec le ministre fédéral du Numérique Volker Wissing et son homologue japonaise Karen Makishima. Voici la diffusion du flux en langue française.

LIVE - Conferenza stampa finale del vertice dei ministri del Digitale del G7
Potete seguire qui in diretta streaming la conferenza stampa conclusiva della riunione dei ministri per la transizione digitale del G7 a Düsseldorf con il Ministro Federale del Digitale Volker Wissing e la Ministra del Digitale giapponese Karen Makishima. Il live streaming è in italiano.


Update: May 11th 2022, 12 hrs

More snapshots of the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting:

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto, im Vordergrund Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing und seine japanische Kollegin Karen Makishima

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

Updated on 11 May 2022, 10:15 hrs:

Starting at 12:30 hrs, Volker Wissing and his Japanese counterpart Karen Makishima will announce the conclusions of the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting.

G7 Düsseldorf: Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing spricht vor der Presse

Source: BMDV

Updated on 11 May 2022, 9:00 hrs:

Press review of 10 May 2022:

ZDF: G7 meeting: This war is also waged online

DLF: G7 want to support Ukraine in the field cyber security and provide technology

Spiegel: Digital Ministerial Meeting – G7 countries intend to support Ukraine with hardware

Funke: Federal Digital Minister Wissing in favour of uniform rules on the internet

RP: Deliberations on the digital future – G7 Digital Ministers meet in Düsseldorf

Antenne Düsseldorf: Cyber-Security

Updated on 10 May 2022, 19:30 hrs:

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

Support for Ukraine was one of the topics discussed at today’s G7 summit. I asked the Ukrainian colleague to send us a new list of things they specifically need, so that together we can ensure that hardware is available.

Updated on 10 May 2022, 19:00 hrs:

The risk of attacks has increased. To be better prepared against cyber attacks, the G7 want to intensify their exchange of experience and information. Cyber resilience – the resilience to online attacks – is to be improved.

Update: May 10th 2022, 17:30 hrs:

We adopted a joint declaration on cyber resilience of digital infrastructure. We must enhance it urgently. To this end, we will intensify our cooperation. The challenges of cyber security affect us all to a higher degree.

Joint Declaration by the G7 Digital Ministers on cyber resilience of digital infrastructure in response to the Russian war against Ukraine (PDF)

Update: May 10th 2022, 17:05 hrs

More snapshots of the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting:

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing spricht vor der Presse

Source: BMDV

Update: May 10th 2022 - 17:00 hrs

Press Statement of the G7 Digital Ministers’ Meeting

Update: May 10th 2022, 14:30 hrs

Some snapshots of the G7 Digital Ministerial Meeting in Düsseldorf:

G7 Düsseldorf: Aufnahme von Bundesminister Dr. Volker Wissing

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

G7 Düsseldorf: Gruppenfoto

Source: BMDV

Updated on 10 May 2022, 13:00 hrs:

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

We want to have a free space where data can be exchanged and traded, where information flows and the creativity of the many comes together all over the world to create new opportunities – just like the inventors of the internet had intended.

Therefore, it is important that we take a clear stand on free internet and against state intervention! However, we must also find a regulatory framework which builds trust and protects data. This is a challenge we are addressing at international level with the G7.

G7 Düsseldorf: Bundesminister Volker Wissing hält sein G7-Auftaktstatement in Düsseldorf draußen vor Journalisten

Source: BMDV

Updated on 10 May 2022, 12:25 hrs:

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

We must think of digitalization and sustainability as one and not repeat the mistakes of the past. Together with stakeholders from the private sector, the scientific community and society we want to unlock the potential of digital transformation for everyone and improve the environmental performance.

Updated on 10 May 2022, 11:50 hrs:

G7 Düsseldorf: Bundesminister Wissing im Gespräch zu Cybersicherheit und Cyberresilienz

Source: BMDV

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

Today, the G7 will focus on cyber security and cyber resilience. This is very topical, in light of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the risks resulting for us all by cyber attacks. I discussed the specifics of the situation with my colleague.

Update: May 10th 2022, 11:00 hrs

Opening Press Conference of the G7 Digital Ministers’ Meeting

Updated on 10 May 2022, 10:40 hrs:

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing at Deutschlandfunk:

We want to ensure that the internet remains an area of freedom. We need international rules, which we can best coordinate and implement among the G7 – so that the network remains free, open and protected at the same time.

Digital transformation is based on a global network. This is why we need the free flow of data. We need the free exchange of data, but certainly in a space that is regulated

We do not want to have a sum of intranets but an internet that allows free access in the spirit of its inventors. If we close ourselves off, we will no longer be able to seize the potential of digitalisation.

G7 Düsseldorf

Source: BMDV


Düsseldorf will become a hotbed for international digital policy. The G7 Digital Ministers are coming together in the German city on the River Rhine on 10 and 11 May. Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing is hosting his colleagues in North Rhine-Westphalia, and will sign the state capital’s ‘Golden Book’ with them during the event.

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

Düsseldorf is a unique economic centre in the heart of Europe – well connected, diverse and with international roots. The city is both a base for major global corporations and also home to roughly 400 fresh and inspiring start-ups. The people who live here by the Rhine are innovative, cosmopolitan and tolerant. I can think of no better place to turbo-boost the digital transformation. The G7 Meeting is an ideal forum for this.

With his colleagues, Federal Minister Wissing wants to use the G7 process to provide a strong impetus for a responsible digital transformation in line with the shared values and needs of open and democratic societies. Key issues will be how digital transformation can make a forward-looking contribution to increasing sustainability and how to facilitate cross-border data free flow with trust. In the context of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, the meeting will also focus on the cyber resilience of digital infrastructure.

Federal Minister Dr Volker Wissing:

As like-minded partners, we face similar challenges. In Düsseldorf, we want to discuss how to harness the potential of digitalisation even better and optimise international frameworks – for cross-border data flows, for a climate neutral digital transformation and safe use of digital technologies. I am looking forward to exchanging ideas and views in North Rhine-Westphalia.