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Projektillustration AUFGEHTS

Source: Transcality AG

Problem statement

Calibrated traffic simulations are an important tool in traffic planning to allow for a targeted assessment of relevant measures from the outset. While traffic is not confined to geographical or administrative boundaries, data sets are often only available for limited areas. This poses obstacles for model creation and calibration, resulting in expensive models with limited informative value. Ultimately, these models offer an insufficient basis for planning important infrastructure projects.

Project objective

To provide a suitable decision-making basis for such projects, traffic simulations need to be created and calibrated efficiently. The objective of this project is therefore to develop an automated, cost-effective and scalable procedure for this purpose. The idea is to use floating car data as a basis as it is standardized and available across administrative boundaries. The innovation lies in developing an automated procedure that allows for an intelligent aggregation of a wide range of data sets. This allows for high-quality model creation and calibration.


Suitable data sets (floating car data from different providers, count data from loop detectors, etc.) are identified and obtained on the basis of research. These data sets serve as a basis for developing the procedure for automated creation and calibration of traffic simulations. The procedure is then validated for a selected test case using real measurement data. The findings and the procedure will then be presented and disseminated in research and practice through academic papers and at workshops.


Transcality AG, Zürich

  • FKZ: 19F1170A

Project volume

(at the time of approval)

230,333.45 Euro (83% of which are funded by the BMDV)

Project duration

(at the time of approval)

12/2023– 11/2024
Project partner

Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control, Technical University of Munich

  • FKZ: 19F1170B
ContactTranscality AG, Zürich
Gabriel Tilg
Phone: +41 44 633 32 51